Leave me alone and forget the world
Leave me alone and forget the world.(我想行開下,我想忘記咗呢個世界) I was inspired by this sentence as the world is messy and evil. We got many negative feeling and watch too much information from the internet and news, especially in Hong Kong in 2019.
I want to create this as people can have interactions with my artwork and space. Actually I know that people can watch and listen on their own. But I think it is different. They can through this area to feel an immersive space with the sea. And as water, sea and light are the primary elements of the world. So I want to use these kinds of elements to create my work. When I make some artwork is combined with nature, and I am the artist I will show some different way and my perspective so people can have their own opinions and feelings.
Thus, I would like to apply some primary elements to the artwork: Light/ water/ sound/ wind. Please don't think too complicated.
I have been to Teshima Art Museum. I think it was a meditation when I stay there. According to the introduction of the museum, "Two oval openings in the shell allow wind, sounds, and light of the world outside into this organic space where nature and architecture intimately interconnect. In the interior space, water continuously springs from the ground in a day-long motion."
I tried to emulate from the museum which projects the video of the sky on the ceiling. However, it just too superficial to copy from that. And there some difficulty to project on the ceiling.
Immersive art experience which is the artist uses sound, light, electricity and other elements in a specific space to create a scene different from reality for the audience so that the audience can get a sensory experience while interacting with the work and become resonant.
Infinity Mirrored Room-Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity by Yayokusama
The Swimming Pool by Leandro ERLICH, (2004)
I have been to some exhibitions that are immersive art. I enjoy having interaction with the sound, light, image and vide such those multi-sensory experience.
Typhoon coming on by Sondra Perry
Installation by Biljana Jancic and Alex Munt Mosman Art Gallery.
I was inspired by this two artwork as I love their performing artworks' method. As people can join into the artwork.
Seascapes by Hiroshi Sugimoto, "Every time I see the sea, I feel a calming sense of security, as if visiting my ancestral home; I embark on a voyage of seeing."
It is horrible but peaceful.
Harbour is different from the ocean. It just likes our refuge to escape anything temporarily.
I love watching the sea.
I took the video of the seascape. And record the sound underwater through a hydrophone.
I can look at the ripple and listen to the sound all day.
You never know how does the changing of the water, the light, the weather and the nature.
Wong Wing Tung, Jessica
Leave me alone and leave the world
Installation with videos
A video with sound, colour, loop
Enjoy this moment with watching the ripples and listening to the seashore. Think it simply as we own nothing when we were born. Just leave all the bad things in this room.
Please sit down, or sleep, or do whatever you like. :)